Here are a few more pictures of the paper wedding dress. Here's the full length glamour shot...
(Note the hay bales in the background... I wonder what the farmer thought when he was loading them on to the truck later that day!)
A close-up of some of the flowers on the bodice...
These were made of all different kinds of paper; wax paper, crepe paper, thermal receipt paper, paper towels, tissue paper, as well as a roll of mystery paper we found in the textile studio. I used watercolors to color the pink flowers, and several flowers have beading in them.
And a picture of everyone else setting up their dresses as I headed in to wash breakfast dishes...
Ariel is on the left, with two dresses pieced together crazy-quilt style, connected in the middle by a shared train. Nicole is on the middle right, with her metal screen corset, bird-netting tutu, and wire cage around the entire top. Elizabeth's dress was already set up; it's the ballgown made out of hay on the far right that almost blends in with the landscape.
This knoll is right outside the dining hall, and made a beautiful setting for the dresses. The weather even cooperated for the entire day. The only downside was that my dress had to be set up facing into the wind, so only the pictures of the back have the beautiful blue sky as the backdrop. The response was great; people kept walking out to look at them and take pictures of them all day.
wow!!! thats all i can say WOW!!!
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